Science Museum London, UK


The London Science Museum is the world's leading centre for the presentation of contemporary science and technology.  The spectacular new Welcome Wing galleries represent the museum’s most innovative event space, and comprise four cantilevered floors floating in a giant cubic bath of blue light.

The galleries include exhibits on biomedicine, the future of science, and a dramatic Digitopolis gallery exploring how digital technology affects our life.

Within the lighting management field, digital advances include digital signalling, digital and DALI dimming and web-based control, and digital technologies are fully incorporated into the Delmatic system.

The system provides fully addressable switching and dimming of lighting throughout both back-of-house and front-of house areas including the vast blue walls, and controls decorative lighting as well as exhibit lighting and power. The complete installation is graphically managed and monitored from a networked PC.

Science Museum
Architect: MJP Architects
Consultant: Arup
Contractor: Kier